Pupil Attainment

End of Key Stage 2 SATs (Year 6)

Our Year 6 children take part in the annual national End of Key Stage 2 tests each year. No SATs were taken in the years 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID pandemic.

Year 6 writing was moderated by an external borough team and judgements were deemed to be robust and accurate.


St John's 2023 National 2023 St John's 2022 St John's 2019
% working at the expected standard 95% 73% 86% 88%
% working above the expected standard 60% n/a 25% 50%
% working at the expected standard 90% 73% 89% 81%
% working above the expected standard 50% n/a 39% 33%
% working at the expected standard 93% 71% 77% 84%
% working above the expected standard 25% n/a 18% 25%
Reading, Writing and Maths
% working at the expected standard 83% 59% 77% 76%
% working above the expected standard 25% n/a 18% 31%


End of Key Stage 1 SATs (Year 2)


St John's 2023 National 2023 St John's 2022 St John's 2019
% working at the expected standard 81% 67% 66% 90%
% working above the expected standard 36% n/a 34% 43%
% working at the expected standard 83% 68% 66% 92%
% working above the expected standard 38% n/a 30% 33%
% working at the expected standard 70% 58% 55% 70%
% working above the expected standard 15% n/a 13% 16%
Reading, Writing and Maths
% working at the expected standard 68% n/a 53% 78%
% working above the expected standard 11% n/a 9%  12%

Year 1 Phonics Screen

Year 1 children sit the Phonics screen which tests their ability at matching letters with sounds.


St John's 2023 National 2023 St John's 2022 St John's 2019
% Pass  91% 79% 87%

Year 4 Multiplication Times Table Check


St John's 2023 National 2023 St John's 2022
Average Score (/25) 22.9 20.2 22


Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)


St John's 2023 National 2023 St John's 2022 St John's 2019
% Good Level of Development (GLD) 67% 67% 70% 81%