Eco Council

Our school vision includes helping children to learn how to build a better world. We intend for our pupils to develop a passion for this and to start thinking about how they can personally and collectively make a positive impact, starting from their immediate environment. The Eco Council’s intent is to give this opportunity to pupils to independently develop ideas and actions that they can then share with St. John’s pupils in school, as well as our wider school community. The work of the Eco-council will complement, exemplify and highlight further environmental learning opportunities that are woven throughout our curriculum.

Eco councillors are chosen from each Year 5 and 6 class. We intend to instil leadership characteristics in pupils during their work as Eco councillors and to give experiences of the school's values in a different context:


Courage: pupils develop the ability to question the threats to the environment and their effects on their own lives.
Wisdom: pupils learn to reflect on the actions and impact of people on the environment and adopt better behaviours for themselves.
Compassion: pupils become compassionate environmentalists not only to impact their small area but the whole wide world. They show compassionate understanding towards groups of people and wildlife particularly affected by environmental issues.