The School Day
The school year is 190 days long and is divided into three terms with the main school holidays at the end of each term and a short break (half term) in the middle of each term.
Attendance at school is a legal requirement and casual absences are not permitted, for example dental appointments, long weekends etc. If your child is unable to come to school you should contact the school by telephone to explain why your child cannot attend.
To help your planning we send the dates of terms and holidays to you well in advance. If you think that you cannot take your holidays during school holidays you should apply to the Governors, in writing, requesting permission for your child to be out of school during term time.
Start of the Day
The gates to the main playground are open from 8.30am. Pupils arriving to school at this time must be accompanied by an adult. School staff are on gate duty from 8.45am and pupils are permitted to enter the building to go to their classrooms from this time.
Registration begins at 8.55am and all parents must vacate the playground by 9am. Any pupil arriving after this time must enter the school via the main reception entrance on Filmer Road.
End of the Day
Pupils are collected from the main school playground at the end of the school day at the following times:
KS2: 3.30pm
KS1: 3.20pm
Nursery and Reception: 3.20pm
(Total Hours 32.9)
Late collection of pupils from school will incur a charge of £15.00 per child, within a 15 minute block.
Example KS2:
Collection between 3.45pm - 4:00pm = £15.
Collection between 4.00pm - 4.15pm = £30.
And so on.
This charge will be added to Arbor account.
After School Clubs
There are various after school clubs run from 3.30pm – 4.30pm each day.
Wraparound Care
Our Sunrise and Sunset club is a wraparound service operated by staff at St. John’s Walham Green School. We provide quality pre and after school care during term time, for the pupils from Nursery to Year 6 registered at the school.
Please go to our Wraparound Care page for more details.